How to weld aluminum? Find the indicated weld

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If you work with aluminium, this blog will interest you, but do you know how to weld aluminium?

We call the process of fusing two metallic substances in a single weld. Welding aluminum is more difficult than it seems. In particular, there are some topics that would be very complex without previous experience. This happens with materials such as aluminum. At first it seems that this substance is easier than other metals. But this is not true, to weld this material high precision is required to obtain a strong connection between the two parts.

Welding with aluminum is not a very difficult job, but it must be done in a technical and professional way because otherwise we could have too many difficulties.. There are a few things to keep in mind when welding aluminum, the first is experience, the second is having the necessary tools, and lastly, to complete the weld, it takes a lot of skill and a lot of patience.

MIG vs MAG welding differences

The aluminum welding process sounds simple, but like anything, there is a learning curve. In fact, professionals in this community must continually learn the best way to weld aluminum. To do this, many aspects must be taken into account to ensure the adjustment of demand, especially in the industrial sector.

1. How to carry out an aluminum welding?

Currently, the aluminum material can be welded by various methods, such as TIG welding, MIG welding, cold welding and torch welding.

The first thing you should do when you are going to start this process is to clean the aluminum surface of the piece to be welded.

The best way to weld aluminum correctly is to determine the alloy code and improve the weld according to specific instructions, as aluminum is welded with the accuracy and speed specified above.

Also keep in mind that this surface can be hot, but not very hot. The next thing is to put the torch at an angle of about 180 degrees and no more so that the pieces to be welded do not burn.

After the procedures you just performed, the entire surface of the aluminum must be cleaned and covered with a layer of oil to prevent oxidation. When doing this, it is necessary to heat with a soldering iron while the coil is in place.

In short, it is a very simple process and we must bear in mind that it works at high temperatures. So all worries are minimal.

2. What are the types of aluminum welding?

To begin with, there are two types of aluminum welding that are worth noting. On the one hand then there is pulsed TIG welding and on the other hand there is work with MIG welding equipment.

If you want to know more about the type of TIG welding, I invite you to visit our blog, since we have talked about the subject in depth, however, we leave you a brief description of these two types of welds:

Taking into account that these two characteristics are different, and the way of applying the solder will also be different.

How to weld aluminum? Find the indicated weld

3. How to weld aluminum with TIG welding?

if you are going to use TIG welding, the first thing is to heat the piece of aluminum to be welded, remember that this material is a good heat sink. Therefore, the weld will be very weak and superficial. It is then heated in an oven so that the heat is evenly distributed, usually it should be heated to 175°C

The next step is to connect the soldered parts as tightly as possible, this step is very important, as the parts can be exposed if they are connected incorrectly as we have already mentioned before.

Then the welding current is adjusted and the tungsten electrode is tightened, without exceeding the diameter of the nozzle. Finally, the liquid is sealed by melting the aluminum piece until it forms a puddle of different sizes, depending on what is needed at each point.

4. How to weld aluminum with MIG welding?

To weld aluminum with the MIG process, several stages are required, starting with knowing the transition, the shielding gas and the type of alloy for the weld to be successful.

As a recommendation, the transition should be by pulsed arc, guaranteeing control of heat input and splashing. Subsequently, the protective gas phase follows, since it must be an inert gas such as Argon or Helium.

Take into account the type of alloy to be welded since it must be known in depth for this process, the most used alloys are aluminum silicon type 4043 and aluminum magnesium type 5356, it is best to use thick diameters for better quality and efficiency. 

Subsequently, you must heat the aluminum to a maximum temperature of 110 degrees Celsius, since this is a very soft material and can bend easily. After the base metal is hot, the push application technique will be used instead of pulling so that black marks due to lack of protection are not generated.

In conclusion, to carry out aluminum welding, all these aspects must be taken into account. If applied correctly, the solder will be more than enough.

If you are interested in using any welding service, in  Perez Precision Works, We offer specialized personnel and excellent professional training to provide adequate work. 
